Elementary Student Schedule
TVSD Planned Instruction
The TVSD Planned Instruction will consist of a combination of synchronous (video conferences) and asynchronous (pre-recorded videos, activities, and independent practice) with additional dedicated times for students/parents to access teachers and support staff. The focus will be providing new instruction.
Elementary Schedule
The Planned Instruction for the Elementary grades will include synchronous and recorded mini lessons of approximately 15 minutes. Students will be assigned independent work that will be intended to take 60-90 minutes per day for students in grade K-2 and 120 minutes per day for grades 3-4.
Attendance will be recorded daily. Every school day, teachers will post an "Attendance Check-in Question of the Day" in either Seesaw or Google Classroom. All students must respond to the question each day to register attendance.
Mini-Lessons will be synchronous meeting times with the whole class and teacher present. Attendance during these mini-lessons while optional is strongly encouraged. At no time are students or their families permitted to record or republish any content from any video conferencing session.
Student/Parent Support Time is synchronous conference time to get supplemental support in a small group virtual setting.
PM Check-ins are optional informal times to check in with your class on the assignment for the day.
The table below outlines the structure of a typical day.